Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

How to Make Fruit Ice ?

Fresh fruit ice can be a special dish during family get-togethers during the day. Serving an assortment of fruit ice model. Well, will give you an easy recipe for fruit ice is made. Please read the full recipe below. Good luck!


     50 grams of watermelon, cut into small squares
     50 g avocado, cut into small squares
     50 g strawberries, cut into small squares
     50 grams of melon, cut into small squares
     50 grams of seaweed (optional)
     75 grams sugar
     1 whole lemon, squeeze the water
     1/2 tsp basil that has bloomed, or it could be up to 1-2 tsp if you like
     Sweetened condensed milk to taste
     Ice cubes to taste
     Water 300 ml

How to Make:

     Put pieces of watermelon, avocado, strawberries, melons, and seaweed in a rather large-sized glasses.
     Sugar boiled in 300 ml of water to boiling. Use low heat.
     Pour syrup (sugar and water boiled water) in a glass of fruit pieces tadi.Masukan also basil and a little lemon juice
     Add ice cubes.
     Fresh Fruit Ice ready to be served. (If you need can add other fruits)

Roti Unyil "Venus"

The form is small and the texture of soft bread with many variants making bread flavors Unyil "VENUS" became one of the culinary icons Bogor. Especially for the tourists who visit the city's rain, bread fruit Unyil hand seems to be required to be taken to relatives in their home countries. More than twenty flavors presented in this Unyil Bread outlet, call it brown bread, banana cheese, sausage cheese, sausage, sugar apple, pineapple, chocolate fla, meatballs, shredded, smoked meat and so on. All these tiny bread priced at the same price, Rp. 1450, - per piece.

 But for me, and many others, Corn Bread became the most favorite variants. Fla and grain bread with sweet corn is indeed present the most unique and special flavor. Many have tried to imitate but no one managed to give a distinctive taste that is presented by the corn bread in the bread peanuts venus.

 Although many outlets that sell bread Unyil "Venus" is, but if you get a full variant and the amount of bread that much, come to the center which is located in the commercial V-Point Padjadjaran Jl located next to Plaza Ekalokasari Bogor. At the outlet is open from 05.30 until 9 tonight, variant most complete bread served. But of course, if it has not run out. Usually when late afternoon, variants are available already thinning. And be prepared if you want to buy bread in peanuts this weekend, long queues always appear in front of the shelves where the peanuts displaying a variety of breads. So if you want to look for souvenirs from Bogor, Bread Unyil Venus can be the ultimate choice for you.

Green Canyon Pangandaran

Green Canyon is located in the village of Kertayasa , District Cijulang , Kudat District , West Java . Green Canyon Nature tourism is most loved by tourists trekking enthusiast , canoe , or tour a challenging adrenaline . Named as Green Canyon Green Canyon Indonesia is like this .
The original name of Green Canyon is Cukang Taneuh . While the designation of Green Canyon itself was popularized by a French citizen in 1993 . Cukang Taneuh means land bridge , which represents a bridge of land that lie on top of the valley and ravine Green Canyon , which usually take the local farmers ketiks towards their gardens . Green Canyon is a watershed Cijulang that penetrate a cave with an enchanting view . The cave has stalactites and stalagmites are very beautiful .
River flows in the Green Canyon flanked by two hills consisting of rocks and green trees . Forest natural atmosphere will be felt when you set foot in this place . The water is so crystal clear river gives a fresh impression , make sure you will not wait to just feel the coolness .

Lake Toba

Lake Toba offers many interesting attractions, such as nature tourism, spiritual, historical, architectural and culinary. The atmosphere is cool and refreshing successfully invite the tourists to come to this place. No words can describe the beauty of the charm of the second largest lake in the world. Lake Toba is not messing around tourist areas, it is the former world's largest super. History records of Lake Toba in North Sumatra was once a huge volcano, aka super. Toba is predicted even as geo park sites in Indonesia. Samosir Island alone there are about 35 geosite, one of which is 300 year old stone at the foot of Mount Pusuk Buhi.

MAY DAY 2014

Each dated May 1 , Labor Day is celebrated on the Indonesian National , day workers across the country. Well , on May 1, 2014 , workers in Indonesia will jointly commemorate the National Day Labor Day. This is one great moment for working people in this country to fight for their rights .May 1st is also a grand day for working people throughout the world and is celebrated as International Labour Day or May Day World . Warning Labor Day is meant as a celebration of the success of the economy at the same struggle of workers throughout the world .In the homeland , warning Labor Day has actually been done since long before Indonesia's independence . 1920, at which time the Indonesian territory still under the control of the Dutch East Indies colonial government , a number of activist movements have started celebrating Labor Day even though under strict supervision of the colonial authorities .However , since the New Order era , memorial day laborers in Indonesia should not be done . Because the labor movement by the Suharto regime often identified with communism which is forbidden in those days . Only after the collapse of the New Order regime in 1998 , the workers in Indonesia once again be celebrating National Labour Day today .Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 2013 set a national holiday on every 1st of May or when the celebration of Labor Day . Saban this May 1, millions of people in this country celebrate National Labor Day by holding a wide range of actions as a form of struggle for the improvement of the lot of the workers in Indonesia . National Happy Labor Day !