Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

MAY DAY 2014

Each dated May 1 , Labor Day is celebrated on the Indonesian National , day workers across the country. Well , on May 1, 2014 , workers in Indonesia will jointly commemorate the National Day Labor Day. This is one great moment for working people in this country to fight for their rights .May 1st is also a grand day for working people throughout the world and is celebrated as International Labour Day or May Day World . Warning Labor Day is meant as a celebration of the success of the economy at the same struggle of workers throughout the world .In the homeland , warning Labor Day has actually been done since long before Indonesia's independence . 1920, at which time the Indonesian territory still under the control of the Dutch East Indies colonial government , a number of activist movements have started celebrating Labor Day even though under strict supervision of the colonial authorities .However , since the New Order era , memorial day laborers in Indonesia should not be done . Because the labor movement by the Suharto regime often identified with communism which is forbidden in those days . Only after the collapse of the New Order regime in 1998 , the workers in Indonesia once again be celebrating National Labour Day today .Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 2013 set a national holiday on every 1st of May or when the celebration of Labor Day . Saban this May 1, millions of people in this country celebrate National Labor Day by holding a wide range of actions as a form of struggle for the improvement of the lot of the workers in Indonesia . National Happy Labor Day !

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