Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Green Canyon Pangandaran

Green Canyon is located in the village of Kertayasa , District Cijulang , Kudat District , West Java . Green Canyon Nature tourism is most loved by tourists trekking enthusiast , canoe , or tour a challenging adrenaline . Named as Green Canyon Green Canyon Indonesia is like this .
The original name of Green Canyon is Cukang Taneuh . While the designation of Green Canyon itself was popularized by a French citizen in 1993 . Cukang Taneuh means land bridge , which represents a bridge of land that lie on top of the valley and ravine Green Canyon , which usually take the local farmers ketiks towards their gardens . Green Canyon is a watershed Cijulang that penetrate a cave with an enchanting view . The cave has stalactites and stalagmites are very beautiful .
River flows in the Green Canyon flanked by two hills consisting of rocks and green trees . Forest natural atmosphere will be felt when you set foot in this place . The water is so crystal clear river gives a fresh impression , make sure you will not wait to just feel the coolness .

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