Rabu, 30 April 2014


Every April 21, elements of the Indonesian nation commemorate Kartini Day always. Students daughter usually wore traditional dress while at school. Sometimes student son too. In offices, women wearing traditional clothing. RA Kartini is revered as the emancipation of Indonesian women. But for some people, Kartini Day on April 21 each still raises controversy of its own

 The controversy surrounding the commemoration of Kartini generally include two aspects, namely:

     Determination dated 21 April
     Doubt on the validity of RA Kartini's letters

Determination dated April 21, as Kartini DayRA KartiniDetermination dated April 21, as Kartini Day since its inception has drawn debate . A number of the calls for equality among all female heroes in Indonesia . Therefore , women leaders in Indonesia who is credited not only Kartini .In fact , from the aspect of heroism , there are a number of women who are considered to be more powerful , who struggled physically against Dutch colonialism , as Tjut Nyak Dien and Christina Martha Tiahahu . Not only that , from the aspect of thought , Dewi Sartika also be reckoned .Therefore, the parties objected to the determination of Kartini Day demanding justice for all Indonesian women fighters old days . If there is Kartini Day , why no Tjut Day Nyak Dien , Christina Martha Tiahahu Day , Day Goddess Sartika , and so on .In the context of post-independence , we also have a character named SK Trimurti emancipation of women . Why is there no Day SK Trimurti ?Kartini 's Day has always been a revival of women's momentum , momentum emansiasi the Eve in Indonesia . If this really is the momentum of the emancipation of women , should be placed on other, more universal , such as Mother's Day on 22 December.Opponents also highlighted the problem " areas struggle " RA Kartini is limited to District and District Apex Jepada alone . They also added , Kartini never bear arms against the invaders . Pro attitude towards polygamy is contrary to the view of the meaning of feminist emancipation of women .Party pro replied , Kartini emancipation of women is not just a character who is able to raise the degree of women in Indonesia alone . Kartini is also a national figure . Through a variety of ideas and idealized reforming , he has fought for the interests of the nation . How thinking has to be said surrounding national struggle . 
 Questioning doubt on the validity of RA Kartini's letters

Kartini became famous because of the letters he wrote to his colleagues in the Netherlands. However, few doubted the truth of the letters. There are allegations that JH Abendanon (then Minister of Culture, Religion, and Craft) manipulate Kartini's letters.

This suspicion arises because of RA Kartini book titled Out of Darkness to Light rises when the Dutch colonial government run ethical policy in the Dutch East Indies. Abendanon including figures concerned ethical and political support.

Up to now, most of the original manuscript of RA Kartini's letters is not known to exist. According to the late Sulastin Sutrisno, Abendanon was difficult to trace ancestry traced the Dutch government.

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