Rabu, 09 April 2014

The advertising case of Jokowi

Flood criticism of President Viva.co.id Anindra ardiansyah or usually called Ardi Bakrie Bakrie, due to intervening viva.co.id editorial in which it appeared "coblos Jokowi No. 4", should be a lesson for media owners as a group MNCTV and Metro (media Group).

Because these three media owners alike plunge into the world of practical politics and allegedly alike have intervened news editorial policy.

Therefore, for the case on the news site Viva.co.id not repeated in other media, the owners of the media should now stop all forms invervensi to media reports.

 "The Press Council should immediately call Ardi Bakrie and other media owners who often intervenes editor, such as MNC Group," said Chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jakarta, Idris Umar, to Tribunnews.com, Tuesday (08/04/2014).

Umar stressed, any form of intervention in the editorial violate company rules Guidelines Press. "The owner is also not allowed to intervene in the conflict with the code of journalistic ethics," he said.

Omar underlines, editorial policy can not intervene because the media landscape is public property, for the benefit of many people, not for the interests of media owners. "So a journalist's loyalty to the profession and to the code of journalistic ethics," he said.

 The following is a letter from President Director Viva.co.id coffee Anindra ardiansyah Bakrie as reported Kompasiana.com who reap much of the criticism:

"The Board of Directors, in particular the Chief Editor,

I believe really in tmpat we have infiltrated those whose hearts are not one-way with a company that I have said.

If I am mistaken beliefs about the intrusion, stupid mark on all who work there if you do not see this error.

Recently I saw, perhaps for an hour, at the most sacred places us, which is on the photo always changing, there is no picture Jokowi coblos. 4.

 Exactly once as the ad is placed on the right which is part of advertising. Whose idea is it?? What an idiot!!! Ostensibly understand guns, deliberately, what weve paid sm other party to do it in the most sacred place??

If the ad PDIP existing right of it, I can slightly understand because it means selling at tmpat selling, not in the editorial section. Although I also do not like and please For now replaced. The materials will be my attachkan on this email and paired next to switch turns there. Thx.

If there is not a policy I would like to present, please submit letter of resignation before the rooster crows tomorrow morning. The sooner the better. I hate people hypocrite or a fool who is not loyal.


 I email it with gmail krna can attach larger files, not because I was scared.

If the relationship of the parents in dzolimi, I'm afraid there are guns. all kosher!!!



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