Rabu, 30 April 2014


ACTION violence in institutions of higher education that lead to fatalities happen again. A High School junior cadets Seamanship (STIP) Jakarta, Dimas dikita Handoko, 19, died after being beaten and abused seven senior cadets.

The six junior cadets injured in the same incident last Friday (25/4) was. Location persecution occurred in the boarding house of one of the usual suspects so post-cadets gathering of senior cadets to give ìpelajaranî the junior cadets.

According to records, such tragic events is not the first case. Similarly, the arrogance of senior to junior cadets, also occurred on May 12, 2008 and 10 November 2008. February 9, 2010 In the widely circulated videos of junior cadets STIP persecution by his own brother forces.

 Why keep repeating something like this? Is this iceberg, looks a little on the surface but in fact many are yet to be revealed? Campus is an academic areas and sacred that should not be an excellent seedbed of violence.

Later junior cadets who are victims of violence that seniors will wreak vengeance upon the juniors at the bottom again, and so on so that the culture is continuously maintained mayhem aka sustainable.

There are several things that make this kind of repeated violence, including weak supervision, punishment to the perpetrators who are too lightweight, junior senior relationship patterns that odd.

Vicious circle of violence that led to the preservation of this has to be broken together either by the person in charge of the school, the police and the community. Recruitment patterns cadets also must be changed and the charge-disciplinary curriculum that must be repaired or replaced abused.

 Person in charge of the school , academics , and community representatives need to sit together within the system to evaluate . Not only in the STIP , but all high school or college who already have specific records of violence must be evaluated . Images of the institution being opaque , it needs to be cleaned .
Indeed, the percentage of high school campus and maintain a culture in which violence is not too much . We do not yet know whether there is the element of intent to preserve the culture of violence to a particular purpose or something else is more specific to condition the learners act like it .
Ministry of Education and Culture ( Kemendikbud ) has a major role to erode the violent practices within educational institutions . Although not all high schools are under development Kemendikbud , at least there should be an evaluation of this issue . Imagine if such events allowed the settlement of a case by case basis only.

 t is most likely going to be repeated . Or actually another victim of these actions as many will not report to the police for fear of the threat of senior school or try to cover up their shame .
The most important thing to do now is the Ministry of Transport (MoT ) as a party to overshadow the STIP should immediately form a special team to conduct a thorough investigation of the incident was heartbreaking to cooperate with the police , the community , and the cadets .
The findings of this special team should be presented to the public in a transparent manner to address concerns of the victims and reassure the parents of students that violence will not recur . There must be sincerity and firmness in this case the Ministry of Transportation . Do not let the case that tarnished our education is actually regarded as mediocre by its own internal circles STIP .
If perceptions are like that, it means a wider team had to intervene to evaluate the STIP .

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