Kamis, 17 April 2014

Cake Bogor Sangkuriang

Do you know the typical souvenirs Bogor ? would immediately appear in the shadows of your mind that talas.Sebagai bulbs that have been popular , in addition utilized unntuk snack foods , taro can also be made of flour . Taro flour can be processed to make food , one of the main food made ​​from taro flour is Lapis Sangkuriang Bogor . 
Why is it called layered taro ? because the material is made from taro flour .According to  Rizka Wahyu Romadhona Lapis owner Sangkuriang Bogor , wear layers of homemade taro flour as the main ingredient ." Lapis Sangkuriang Bogor , made ​​using wheat flour , taro flour , sugar , milk , eggs thus making layered yellow and purple , purple because it contains an extract of taro , taro flour also produces its own taste with a distinctive aroma and lapisnya be gentle , " he said . Furthermore, according to the current layer Rizka Bogor 
Sangkuriang have flavors , original , blueberry , cheese , strawberry , tiramisu capucino , chocolate ." In addition we also produce a layer cake brownies taro , " he explained . Superiority of the Bogor -layer cake Sangkuriang besides soft texture with a distinctive aroma , this cake can last up to 7 days .

Currently Bogor Layer Cake Sangkuriang in one day capable of producing 350 boxes , perbox sold at Rp . 25.000 , - for all variants .

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