Kamis, 17 April 2014


This time the child sexual abuse cases occur in JIS or the Jakarta International School . Pupils who are still in kindergarten was sodomized by guards toilet when he was in the toilet . The suspect always observe students who go to the toilet and look for the easily fooled . The perpetrator is a caretaker of the toilet in JIS . Performers amounted to two people .
Two accused of sexual harassment against AK ( 6 ) , Jakarta International School kindergarten student , had admitted his actions . It was stated by the Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Rikwanto a news conference , Tuesday ( 15/04/2014 ) afternoon .suspect admitted abusing AK 1 time , on March 20, 2014 .
In a press statement on Tuesday afternoon , Rikwanto revealed that the two suspects had mental disorders . " The suspect is a keeper toilet . They do have a psychological disease , " said Rikwanto .
Rikwanto said the Jakarta International School itself has been questioned by police and is still in process . He asserted , if later found evidence that there was negligence or fault of the school , then there will be serious sanctions from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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