Kamis, 17 April 2014

Share Something About Kuningan West Java

Ciremai Mountain
 Have you ever heard of the district Kuningan?
If so, have you ever visited?
If not, I will explain a little about Brass. Brass is my birth place. Kuningan is a cool and beautiful city.

Kuningan is located at coordinates 108 ° 23-108 ° 47 East longitude and 6 ° 47-7 ° 12 south latitude. While the capital city is located at coordinates 6 ° 45-7 ° 50 'south latitude and 105 ° 20-108 ° 40 East Longitude. The eastern part of the district is low-lying, being in the western part of the mountains, with Mount Ciremai peak (3,076 m) on the border with Majalengka. Ceremai mountain is the highest mountain in West Java.
In the administrative border with
 North: Cirebon
 East: Brebes (Central Java)
South: Kudat District and Cilacap (Central Java)
 West: Majalengka

  Besides, Kuningan also have special food that is not less delicious with other tasty food. Kuningan typical food is healthy, clean and without preservatives, further details are not harmful to health. Here goes a typical food Kuningan West Java.


Peuyeum Kuningan
 Foods and beverage: Peuyeum, Angling, Nasi Kasreng(Nasi Bungkus ciri Khas Luragung), Golono (Gorengan Khas Dari Luragung), Keripik Becak, Gaplek Luragung dan Raragudig, ketempling.rengginang,

Not only food, Kuningan is also rich in culture and tourism

As a region located in the eastern Priangan, the district is rich Brass typical Sundanese culture, different from the western part of the Sunda region. Here is a growing art and culture in the midst of Regency society Brass: Cingcowong (ceremony for rain), Sintren, Goong Renteng, Tayuban, Pesta Dadung, Gembyung Terbangan, Sandiwara Rakyat, Wayang Golek, Kuda Lumping, Reog, Calung, Tradisi Kawin Cai, Tari Buyung, dan Balap Kuda Saptonan.


Nature: Telaga Remis, Wisata Ikan Dewa Cibulan, Waduk Darma, Darmaloka, Sangkanhurip, Desa Sitonjul, Air Terjun Sidomba, Curug Cilengkrang, Palutungan dan Curug Putri, Curug Ngelay, and Curug Bangkong.

Cultural Tourism: Purbakala Cipari Park, Building Negotiations Linggarjati, Site Sanghiang Sagarahiang.

The Jungle: Satianegara Village, and Jabranti Village

Pilgrimage: Cibulan, Goa Maria, and Sacred Pond Darmaloka

Custom Tour: Seren Taun and Pesta Dadung

 What about you friends? District Kuningan interested in visiting?
Of course, for you who like to travel it never hurts to try to visit. For you who live from Jakarta, you can ride the bus Luragung Jaya, cost around 70,000, not cheap? For you guys that much there try asking a more complete information to know.

Thank You

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