Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

The Vegetarians

By becoming a vegetarian, our digestive tract becomes smooth. Many people have understood that vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber which facilitate defecation. Vegetables and fruits also contain antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes as well. But, did you know that there are several types of vegetarians based on the type of food they consume? Not all anti vegetarians eat meat 

.If you are interested in becoming a vegetarian, but feel confused because they like to eat eggs, you may be able to try different variants of a vegetarian lifestyle. Vegetarian divided into several types. Each type has its own rules.

Here are 7 types of vegetarians.

1. Vegan Vegetarian types are vegetarians who has the most stringent rules. Vegans do not consume all animal flesh, be it red meat, poultry, fish or meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.

 2. Vegetarian Lacto vegetarians do not eat this kind of all kinds of meat (red meat, poultry, fish or meat) and eggs, but still consume milk.

3. Lacto ovo Vegetarian does not eat all kinds of meat, but still eat eggs or milk.

4. Pesca Vegetarian vegetarian does not eat this kind of red meat or poultry meat, but still eat eggs, milk, fish and meat.

5. Flexitarian vegetarian class is the most lax rules. This type of vegetarians still eat meat and dairy products, but only once in a while.

6. Frutarian Vegetarian This kind of eating only fruits, grains, and nuts are rich in vitamin E. The frutarian sure that the fruits, seeds, and nuts are useful for skin beauty and ageless.

7. Vegetarian Raw foodist this group eating only raw foods. They assume that cooking can destroy natural substances and nutrients contained in food. This type of vegetarian eating raw meat as food sushi in Japan, or likes to eat raw vegetables such as fresh vegetables in Indonesia. Well, now it is not confused anymore, right? Live your turn to make the decision to become a vegetarian what kind. Make sure your decision was well thought out by considering the needs, benefits, as well as your own ability.

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