Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Mangosteen Skin Benefit For Body Health

Not only does the mangosteen fruit that we can capture the benefits , but also no less mangosteen peel efficacious to address the various types of mild illness to severe disease . So after you consume mangosteen fruit , you should not rush to throw away the skin , because the part we can make as a highly efficacious herbal medicine .
To get the maximum benefits of mangosteen peel it , you can consume them regularly to make it into juice . To make the skin mangosteen juice is not difficult , you can make the skin mangosteen juice as making juice in general . To eliminate the bitter taste and add flavor , you can add honey to taste .

Why mangosteen skin can cope with various diseases ? It is not independent of the substances contained in mangosteen peel is xanthones . Xanthones are a kind of polyphenol compounds that have many health benefits .
In addition to xanthones , the mangosteen peel also contains tannins and anthocyanins . Farming is to have antioxidant activity capable of inhibiting enzymes such as DNA topoisomerases , anti - diarrheal , hemostatic , anti - hemorrhoids , and also inhibits tumor growth . While anthocyanin .

Here are some of the benefits and efficacy of mangosteen peel that you can get by way of taking it .

    Fails the DNA damage .
Aids lymphatic system
Reduce insulin resistance .
Strengthening the immune system
heal inflammation
Improving communication between cells
Help with weight loss
Help heal canker sores
Overcoming shortness of breath
Relieve sore throat ( bronchitis ) , emphysema ( emphysema ) , and inflammation of the lungs ( pneumonia ) .
Helps reduce the migrant ( the headaches )
Membatnu can reduce toothache
Balancing the endocrine system
Helps relieve hemorrhoids
Help lower blood sugar levels in virgin
Lighten skin diseases kemerah-merahan/bersisi
Helps heal wounds
Helps prevent heart disease
Strengthen blood vessels
Lowering LDL cholesterol
Lowering high blood pressure
Helps prevent arteriosclerosis
Help stop diarrhea
Can relieve inflammation of the colon or small
One can prevent inflammatory bowel disease
Helps reduce fever
Can overcome food poisoning
Healing the wounds of the throat
Can improve the ability to cope with stess
Can help relieve abdominal pain .
Mangosteen peel is also very good combined with soursop leaf to cure various diseases . If you do not want to bother making skin mangosteen juice , you can buy skin mangosteen juice that is now being sold online as well as offline .

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