Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Sawunggaling (Legend of Surabaya)

Jake folklore Berek or Sawunggaling or Raden Mas Hero Member Sawunggaling is one legend Surabaya . He is known as a historical figure , who still has not been told the history of Indonesia . So , finally its delivery was done by word of mouth .One version of this historical figure I will tell you the following . Happy reading .***When returning home , Jake Barek face red. Apparently , he held angry because his friends mock him is illegitimate. At home , he met his mother whilst he was with his grandfather - grandmother ." Mom , I can not stand anymore , " said Jake ."What is my son . Bent Why is your face like that ? " chimes in his mother , the Goddess Sangkrah ."You have to explain to me , who is actually my father . If it dies show his grave , if still alive tell me where he is. Because of him I teased my friends .Goddess Sangkrah sighed , then turned to brother - Jake nekek Barek . It was time for him to explain who the real father of Jake Barek . " It is fitting mother told you . And this is the right time . Mr. you are still alive , boy . "" Really? " Barek Jake 's eyes lit up , "Then where is he ? "" Dad you're a Duke of the Duchy of Surabaya . Jayengrana His name . It is to that you should look for to see your father , " said Dewi Sangkrah .
aka Barek also intends to come to the Duchy of Surabaya to meet his father . Arriving there , in front of the entrance gate , he intercepted a sentry .

" Who are you ? "
" I'm Jake Barek . "
" What is your need to come here ? "
" I want to meet the Duke , " replied Jake Barek .
"I can not . 'd Better go before kuusir by force , " the soldier shouted .
" Not before I meet with the Duke Jayengrana , " said Barek .
Jake could not bear to see behavior Barek , sentry was immediately attacked . Jake Barek against the attack .
The fight was known by Sawungsari and Sawungrana . Both son of Duke Jayengrana . They break up the fight. But , after learning Jake Barek mean who wants to see the Duke Jayengrana because claiming to be his son , as suspicious . They actually fight with Jake Barek .
However , all of that stopped when Jayengrana approached the commotion. He asks Jake what he had come Barek . Jake Barek said that if he came to see his father , Jayengrana .
" What does that prove if you are my son ? Who is your mother's name ? " Jayengrana asked .
" Name of mother Goddess Sangkrah . I brought this , Cinde Puspita shawl . "
Duke Jayengrana recognize it all . He believes now if Jake is his son Barek . To Sawungsari and Sawungrana , Jake Barek was introduced as a brother . Thus , Jake Barek later renamed Sawunggaling .
The times they lived , the Dutch Company had entered into the land of Java . Duchy of Surabaya was didtangi by the Dutch envoy named Captain Knol is a letter from General De Boor . The essence of the letter and its contents acquired the Duchy Surabaya Duke duke sebgai Jayengrana dicabuk rights by refusing to cooperate with the Dutch .
At the same time there is mention Woro Woro - if in Surabaya plaza has held a contest Sodoran ( proxy war horsemen armed with spears ) with archery banners Yunggul Judah . A prize for the winner was appointed as the Duke of Surabaya .
Duke Jayengrana ruled Sawungsari and Sawungrana to follow . At the time of the concurrent Sawunggaling also participated . He also won the contest . Because of this , he was appointed Duke of Surabaya . Plus , he was married to the daughter of the Great Amangkurat Kartasura , namely Nini Insulation Kedaton .
Two brothers jealous. They want to harm Sawunggaling by putting poison in his drink . Luckily, the action is known by the Duke Cakraningrat of Madura . Thus , successfully thwarted . Duke Cakraningrat tell if Sawunggaling bullied the two brothers who have become henchmen Netherlands because of jealous .
Since then , Sawunggaling determined to destroy the Netherlands . In one battle , he managed to destroy the Dutch troops and killed General De Boor .

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