Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Soursop leaves benefits for hemorrhoids

Soursop leaves benefits for hemorrhoids is one of the many benefits of soursop leaves for your health . Soursop leaves is very useful to overcome various types of diseases . One of the diseases that can be treated is hemorrhoids .
Hemorrhoids , sometimes called piles , whereas in English called hemorrhoids . Hemorrhoids is a disease in which the lips of the anus experienced swelling disorder that is sometimes accompanied by bleeding . Hemorrhoids can be classified into mild to severe stage .
Hemorrhoids are usually caused by several things, including :

An error occurred in performing certain exercise movements such as weight-bearing exercise or breathing exercise .
Often too much sitting or standing .
Heredity or genetics .
Straining too hard during bowel movements and can also occur in pregnant women .
But in general, the more frequently the cause of hemorrhoids caused by straining too hard during bowel movements and often too much sitting or standing . If you experience such problems , can try alternative medicine use soursop . How:

Take a ripe soursop fruit , then take the water squeezed manner . Drink one cup twice a day in the morning and afternoon .
Soursop can indeed be used starting from the leaves , even fruit trees . In addition to cope with hemorrhoids , it turns out we can use the benefits of soursop leaves for uric acid . Hopefully the benefits of soursop leaf above is useful for hemorrhoids .

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