This fruit tastes good besides turned out very good for health, beauty as well as to smooth the skin, tightens the skin and also prevents acne.
The main content of the strawberry fruit is Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, Folicacid, Potassium, Riboflavin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Omega-3. All content is very useful for health and beauty.
just following benefits strawberry fruit for health and beauty:
1. Strawberry Prevent Anemia
Anemia or iron deficiency can be overcome with a Strawberry fruit, this is because this fruit contains high iron so it is well suited for the additional intake of red blood cells.
2. Strawberry to overcome cancer
Strawberries contain ellagic acid which can help overcome cancer.
3. Strawberry smooth the skin.
Strawberry also believed to soften and tighten the skin and can prevent aging self. In addition to the content of salicylates in the Strawberry very powerful way to treat acne for quite serve as masks consumer. Other recipes in order to get smoother and firmer skin with strawberry is to make strawberry scrub made from material 3 strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar and a little water. All the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
4. Strawberry to Whiten Teeth
Strawberry was able to whiten teeth how to be rubbed on the teeth and my friend will be able to get whiter teeth.
5. Strawberry to prevent high blood pressure
The content of potassium and iron in the strawberry is very effective in suppressing the high blood pressure and were able to make it more balanced.
6. Strawberry to Prevent Heart Disease
High in fiber, folate, vitamin C and anti-oxidants are also very effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body and can also prevent heart disease.
7. Strawberry To Prevent Leukemia
Strawberry fruit has a therapeutic effect turned out to be very good for preventing disease leukemia. This is because of the substances contained in it are amine clan, tanae acid.
8. Strawberry To prevent Diabetes
The content of substances that are in strawberry anthocyanins able to prevent the problems that may result from diabetes.
Strawberry fruit for health benefits or beauty above hopefully can help my friend who is facing health problems
Jumat, 04 Juli 2014
The Causes Black Spots
1. Ultraviolet
Sunlight into the main cause of black spots. To that end, the application of sunblock every day is very important to protect the skin from the 'evil' of ultraviolet light.
"Ultraviolet light damage in the epidermis sulfihidril group so it can not bind to the Cu ions of the enzyme tyrosinase. Consequently nothing inhibits the pigmentation process to form pigments will the spots," said doker aesthetic practice at the Clinic Erha.
2. Cosmetics
Lots of cosmetics that cause black spots on the face, especially cosmetics that contain perfumes, dyes or certain ingredients can cause fotosensitivitas.
3. Hormones
Hormones also cause black spots on the face. Normally the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and MSH (Melanin Stimulating Hormone). "If the result of hormonal pigmentation usually occurs in pregnant women, usually occurs in the third trimester, also on the contraceptive pill users," said dr. Vinia.
4. Medication
In addition, drugs can also lead to pigmentation or spots on the skin. "If someone is consuming drugs difenilhidantoin, mesantoin, klorpromazine, cytostatic and minocycline the spots can arise," said dr. Vinia.
5. Genetic & Race
Additionally, pigmentation can also be influenced by heredity. Dr. Vinia explained, usually arising spots for family factors that affect approximately 20 to 70 percent. In addition, racial factors also influence the onset of the spots. Usually found in Hispanic groups and groups of dark-colored skin.
How to shampooing True ?
1. Dampen hair with water Evenly
Wet your hair up all the parts exposed to water before applying shampoo. Water made chemicals found in shampoos are not readily absorbed by the hair.
2. Shampoo
Take enough shampoo to clean the hair. Avoid using shampoos that too much because it will make the hair become dry after shampooing. Select the appropriate shampoo with skin problems. When scalp dandruff, select a shampoo that made a mint that is able to resolve the issue. If the hair is dry, use a shampoo that contains natural oils from fruits like avocado.
3. Give Light massage
Apply shampoo to hair while giving massage gently with your fingers. Its function is not only removes dirt and oil on the scalp, can also improve blood circulation to the scalp can stimulate hair growth. Then rinse the shampoo in the hair to the net, so that the chemical content does not stick to the hair and scalp that can lead to dandruff, dry hair, and even fall out.
4. Repeat Use Shampoo
If your hair is very dirty, apply shampoo again, but with a smaller dose of shampoo. How to know your hair is dirty, shampoo first time if it is not too foamy then your hair is very oily and dirty.
5. Conditioner
Apply conditioner only on the ends of the hair and let sit three to five minutes, then rinse the hair. Avoid using conditioner to the scalp. Conditioner can cause dandruff scalp.
6. How to Dry Hair
Take a towel, and tap-tap of hair on the towel. Do not rub, because the friction will cause hair loss.
7. Way Combing Hair
Avoid combing your hair when the hair was wet, because at that time, the hair is still very fragile. If it is half dry, comb hair with a wide-toothed comb to avoid loss.
8. Rule Blow Dry
But avoid drying your hair with a hair dryer (hairdryer) because it can make the hair become dry. If you have to blow dry, make sure you do it carefully. Do not pull too hard hair with a comb blow.
How to Reduce Appetite ?
Ideally the food consumed in order to meet the diverse needs of needed nutrients. But apparently unhealthy foods such as instant noodles, fried foods, burgers and ice cream often is what we eat.
Because the self-control necessary. You do not get carried away. For that, try the following
If you want the taste of certain foods has been unstoppable, but should be eaten in smaller portions than usual. It serves to train the brain is able to control food intake.
2. Decrease sugar
Sugar, so a compound that usually makes people become addicted to certain foods. Therefore, keep sweets out of your sight so as not easily tempted. Replace with fruits or vegetables.
3. Eat Regularly
Try to eat regularly to get rid of addiction to certain foods.
4. Continue with exercise
Get used to, after eating food that makes you addicted to continue exercising. This is one easy way to help get rid of food addictions.
5. Find alternative activities
If food addiction as being stressed or depressed. Immediately switch the sense of wanting to eat something with another activity. For example, meditation, yoga, or reflexology.
Five Types of Water
Similar but not the same. The proverb may also be able to describe several types of bottled drinking water. At first glance everything is possible mineral water but it turns out, there are many types of bottled mineral water such as pure water, call it sparkling water or spring water. Anyone know the difference? if not, following his review.
Health experts in the book 'Water For Health' second edition in 2012 compiled by nutrition experts like DR. Dr. Iman Budi Santoso, Sp.OG (K), Prof.. DR. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, DR. Dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH, and Dr. Sudung O. Pardede, Sp.A (K) states that mineral water can be divided into three groups, namely:
Water with a low mineral content (250-500 ppm)
- Water with moderate mineral content (500-1500 ppm)
- Water with a high mineral content (above 1500 ppm)
Interestingly, the health experts also explaining the grouping of bottled water and without packaging. Bottled drinking water, he said, is the water treated at the plant and commercially available. While bottled water can be divided again into several kinds based on the source and the substance contained therein, such as the following:
1. Artesian water
This water comes from a source rock out of the ground water.
2. Mineral water
Water with dissolved mineral content more than 250 ppm (parts per million or parts per million, which is a unit which states the amount of the solute). Minerals are generally naturally occurring (not mineral added).
3. Purified water
This water has been processed to remove dissolved minerals (demineralization). This is done by using deionized, Reverese osmosis or the like. Water that has been purified form of water vapor is condensed back membantuk pure water.
4. The Dutch water (sparkling water)
The mineral water contains carbon dioxide gas through the process of natural and artificial
5. Mountains water (spring water)
The water comes from mountain springs, may also be carbonated.
Health experts in the book 'Water For Health' second edition in 2012 compiled by nutrition experts like DR. Dr. Iman Budi Santoso, Sp.OG (K), Prof.. DR. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, DR. Dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH, and Dr. Sudung O. Pardede, Sp.A (K) states that mineral water can be divided into three groups, namely:
- Water with moderate mineral content (500-1500 ppm)
- Water with a high mineral content (above 1500 ppm)
Interestingly, the health experts also explaining the grouping of bottled water and without packaging. Bottled drinking water, he said, is the water treated at the plant and commercially available. While bottled water can be divided again into several kinds based on the source and the substance contained therein, such as the following:
1. Artesian water
This water comes from a source rock out of the ground water.
2. Mineral water
Water with dissolved mineral content more than 250 ppm (parts per million or parts per million, which is a unit which states the amount of the solute). Minerals are generally naturally occurring (not mineral added).
3. Purified water
This water has been processed to remove dissolved minerals (demineralization). This is done by using deionized, Reverese osmosis or the like. Water that has been purified form of water vapor is condensed back membantuk pure water.
4. The Dutch water (sparkling water)
The mineral water contains carbon dioxide gas through the process of natural and artificial
5. Mountains water (spring water)
The water comes from mountain springs, may also be carbonated.
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