Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Five Benefits Playing Games

Playing games or playing games often rated as activities that are not useful. Even for those who are addicted to playing games belonging to the so-called hardcore gamers according to a study may lead to mental imbalance. But it turns out, quoted from page Boldsky on Thursday (03/07/2014) playing games there are also health benefits.

Here are the benefits of playing games that might surprise you:

1. Reduce stress
In a traffic jam when, tired of waiting, being annoyed playing games can be a fun activity. In fact, according to one study, more active gamers can cope with stress in the workplace than those who do not play games.

2. Improving observations
While playing the game, the eyes should be alert to be able to complete the mission the game kept going. The impact of visual capabilities gamers more observant and focused.

3. Physical exercise
Not forever games only require finger motion alone. Now there is also a game that make active moves, such as games from Wii, Xbox 360, and Play Station 3. Known One game is Dance Dance Revolution, the game is "forcing" the player to move his hands and feet to the rhythm.

4. Counteract Depression
Active Gamers usually not depressed. Their brains are so active that much of a mental imbalance.

5. Sharpen Creativity
Increasingly varied types of games. Now, there are also games that are planning or designing something. Creativity through the game players are challenged to keep creative.

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