Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

The Benefits Of Strawberry

This fruit tastes good besides turned out very good for health, beauty as well as to smooth the skin, tightens the skin and also prevents acne.
The main content of the strawberry fruit is Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, Folicacid, Potassium, Riboflavin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Omega-3. All content is very useful for health and beauty.

 just following benefits strawberry fruit for health and beauty:

1. Strawberry Prevent Anemia

Anemia or iron deficiency can be overcome with a Strawberry fruit, this is because this fruit contains high iron so it is well suited for the additional intake of red blood cells.

2. Strawberry to overcome cancer

Strawberries contain ellagic acid which can help overcome cancer.

3. Strawberry smooth the skin.

Strawberry also believed to soften and tighten the skin and can prevent aging self. In addition to the content of salicylates in the Strawberry very powerful way to treat acne for quite serve as masks consumer. Other recipes in order to get smoother and firmer skin with strawberry is to make strawberry scrub made ​​from material 3 strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar and a little water. All the ingredients in a blender until smooth.

4. Strawberry to Whiten Teeth

Strawberry was able to whiten teeth how to be rubbed on the teeth and my friend will be able to get whiter teeth.

5. Strawberry to prevent high blood pressure

The content of potassium and iron in the strawberry is very effective in suppressing the high blood pressure and were able to make it more balanced.

6. Strawberry to Prevent Heart Disease

High in fiber, folate, vitamin C and anti-oxidants are also very effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body and can also prevent heart disease.

7. Strawberry To Prevent Leukemia

Strawberry fruit has a therapeutic effect turned out to be very good for preventing disease leukemia. This is because of the substances contained in it are amine clan, tanae acid.

8. Strawberry To prevent Diabetes

The content of substances that are in strawberry anthocyanins able to prevent the problems that may result from diabetes.

Strawberry fruit for health benefits or beauty above hopefully can help my friend who is facing health problems


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