Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Effect of Vegetarians

Interested in becoming a vegetarian? You need to know the following facts:

Can lack of iron?
The ability to cultivate human digestion and absorb iron from plant sources is lower. If you want to become a vegan, you have to be seriously deepen the knowledge about food and abortion. Required is considerable variation to meet the nutritional needs optimally. Drink supplement for iron, vitamin B complex, calcium and magnesium are recommended.

 Vegetarian weaken the brain's performance?
Which makes the body become limp and thought processes become disrupted when a vegetarian diet is done carelessly. As a result, variety and choice of food was not awake, carbohydrate intake is low.

 Vegetarian making limp?
Wrong. Auto-suggestion which says that without eating meat body becomes limp. Therefore, energy is not solely derived from the flesh, but of carbohydrates through chemical processes in the body is converted into energy. Obviously that is a source of plant-based carbohydrates.

Vegetarian makes people become more calm?
The absence of animal products turns out to have a positive impact on spiritual health, especially in the control of emotions. This is because the hormones in the body are not contaminated with hormones from animals that are consumed, thus making more emotionally stable.

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