Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

5 Things Forbidden When Acne

According to dr. Lewie Suryaatmadja, SpKK, although there is no guarantee if it violates the restrictions will immediately grow pimples, likely high enough to warrant concern. These are taboos that should be avoided when the skin breakouts:
1. Food
Some foods should be wary when being breakouts include chocolate, nuts, egg yolks, and dairy cows. The fat content in these foods can be triggers that can make acne becomes inflamed. Avoid these foods and multiply food vegetables and fruits.

2. Fruits
Famous healthy as it is rich in vitamins, there are also fruits that can trigger acne. Longan, avocado, mango, durian is some seasonal fruits should be avoided. This is caused by vegetable fat content contained therein.

"It could also be because the fruit contains a lot of vitamin E. If it's a young mango. Due fat content is still small. Thing to watch out for the mango sweet as arumanis," said dr. Lewie Wolipop when met at his clinic, Lexa Clinic, Jl. Barito, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

 3. Pola Life
In addition to keeping food, lifestyle is also noteworthy. Try not to sleep too late that exceed 12 hours. Later, also avoid exposure to direct sunlight at 08:00 to 15:00. That's because in addition can trigger acne, UV rays can accelerate the onset of dark spots, wrinkles, and facial warts. Meanwhile, the smoking habit is also one of the factors that can aggravate acne growth.

4. Supplements of Vitamin E
Vitamin E supplements are consumed with the expectations will be unavoidable facial skin problems. But not a few people who will get acne after diligent drink. Lewie too many doctors see patients with similar cases. Therefore, he add it as a taboo.

5. Moisturizer
Moisturizer or moisturizer on the market as well, although watch out. If you do not fit these products often trigger acne and excess oil. Should refrain from first use acne cream to subside. Afterwards, try to look for a moisturizer that suits your skin and weather conditions in Indonesia.

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