Selasa, 01 Juli 2014



Musician Ahmad Dhani recently made ​​a controversy after the release of video support for Prabowo indulgence in which Nazi symbols. Video was too busy to be discussed, not only in Indonesia, and even foreign media also paid attention to the video.

 In the video, Dhani composed the song 'We Will Rock You' belongs to the Queen. Dhani collaborated with three other singers.

 Video support for Prabowo began bustling discussed after the famous German media, Der Spiegel found some similarities between some of the emblems that stick in clothes Dhani emblem commonly used by the Nazis.

Various comments appeared, most of which is devoted to pout video-Hatta Prabowo's campaign.

Here are some of the controversy that emerged:

1. Leading German media reported

2. Considered as a Tool of All Time Worst Campaign
3. Queen Responding Through Tweets

Ahmad Dhani composed the song 'Rising Indonesia' which the notes are based on the song 'We Will Rock You' which popularized the legendary band Queen. The video clip of the song is highlighted because of the appearance of that Dhani Nazi soldiers wearing similar clothing. Owner song had come to comment on the appearance of Dhani.

"Ahmad Dhani skinhead imagery" of course this is completely unauthorised by us. Bri, "chirping Brian May in his Twitter account @ DrBrianMay quoted by AFP on Wednesday (06/25/2014).

Brian Account has been verified by twitter. There is a check list in his account profile. This account has 186 thousand followers.

Brian chirp crowded retweeted, one by Daniel Ziv, Canadian men filmmakers 'road'.

4. Ahmad Dhani Did Not Care

Despite being a byword, Ahmad Dhani felt there was nothing wrong with the costume she wore in the video support for Prabowo-Hatta. Told AFP on Wednesday (25/06/2014), the boss of the Republic of Love Management was revealed, the costume she wore nothing to do with Indonesia.

"What does the German army between Indonesia. What do the Germans at Indonesian musicians?" she said.

"We did not join the Indonesian people to kill millions of Jews, right?" he continued.

Further Maia's Estianty ex-husband said he felt there was nothing wrong with the costume he wore in the video for which was adapted from a song by the band Queen. He suspects there are those who deliberately blow this issue.

"If people see it is always wrong, definitely wrong happens. Wear costumes if American troops later he thought pro-American, if we use the British army later mistaken for pro-British. Want to wear the military uniform, later asked" what's been license yet? ", Do not bother," he said .
5. Prabowo's team ask Dhani to remove the video, Dhani Apologize

Nazi costume worn in the video clip Ahmad Dhani campaign 'Prabowo Hatta-We Will Rock You' so controversial. Director of Policy and Programs Winning Team Prabowo-Hatta, Dradjad Wibowo, asks Ahmad Dhani apologize.

"I do not know, do not watch the video, but if you really wear a Nazi, we requested it be abolished," said Dradjad after speaking at the release of the survey Forima 'performance and vice presidential candidates' at the Hotel Gran Alia Prapatan, Kwitang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (25 / 6/2014).

According to Dradjad, the use of Nazi insignia at the video clip of the campaign is something less good. He was asked to replace Dhani costume or apologize.

"It was not good and did not show a good attitude toward what happens. We asked Mas Dhani was changing clothes or apologize," he said

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