Health experts in the book 'Water For Health' second edition in 2012 compiled by nutrition experts like DR. Dr. Iman Budi Santoso, Sp.OG (K), Prof.. DR. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, DR. Dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH, and Dr. Sudung O. Pardede, Sp.A (K) states that mineral water can be divided into three groups, namely:
- Water with moderate mineral content (500-1500 ppm)
- Water with a high mineral content (above 1500 ppm)
Interestingly, the health experts also explaining the grouping of bottled water and without packaging. Bottled drinking water, he said, is the water treated at the plant and commercially available. While bottled water can be divided again into several kinds based on the source and the substance contained therein, such as the following:
1. Artesian water
This water comes from a source rock out of the ground water.
2. Mineral water
Water with dissolved mineral content more than 250 ppm (parts per million or parts per million, which is a unit which states the amount of the solute). Minerals are generally naturally occurring (not mineral added).
3. Purified water
This water has been processed to remove dissolved minerals (demineralization). This is done by using deionized, Reverese osmosis or the like. Water that has been purified form of water vapor is condensed back membantuk pure water.
4. The Dutch water (sparkling water)
The mineral water contains carbon dioxide gas through the process of natural and artificial
5. Mountains water (spring water)
The water comes from mountain springs, may also be carbonated.
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