Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

6 Fruits With Vitamin C Content of the Most High


 Vitamin C is needed to enhance the immune system and prevent a variety of diseases, as well as forming collagen and hormones needed by the body. However, vitamin C is a vitamin that is most easily damaged. These nutrients are easily oxidized and can damage more quickly because of the heat, light, enzymes and substances copper and iron.

Vitamun C levels in the tissues of the body also decreases very rapidly, therefore it is advisable to consume fruit is a good source of vitamin C, to help keep your vitamin C needs remain unmet. Humans, especially the average woman needs 75 mg - 500 mg of vitamin C every day and it can be obtained from fruits. Any fruit that is rich in this vitamin?

1.  Red Guava
One of the fruits with the highest content of vitamin C, which is 228.3 mg per 100 grams (about 4 grains guava). Guava consumed in a fresh state, or juiced with no added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

2. Kiwi
The content of vitamin C in the kiwi ranged between 92.7 mg - 161.3 mg per 100 grams of it. "Eating 1 to 2 kiwi every day is recommended to meet the needs of vitamin C per day, as many as 75 mg," says nutrition expert Dr. dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, Sp.GK.

 3. Strawberries
Vitamin C in 100 grams of strawberries around 58.8 mg. The number is equivalent to five large strawberries grains.

4. Oranges
Oranges contain 53.2 mg of vitamin C. Eating a two oranges, enough to meet the needs of vitamin C per day.

 5. Pineapple
Yellow fruit with a sweet taste of fresh acid has 47.8 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams. That's equivalent to one cup of pineapple pieces.

 6. Papaya
Taste is sweet, but papaya is one type of fruit that is also a lot of vitamin C her. In one small sized papaya fruit contains 95.6 mg of vitamin C.

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