Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Routine


Some people like to consume tea every morning. Some of them even drink tea three times a day. Choose a tea that has many benefits for your health. Green tea is one kind of tea is good to drink every day. Here are the benefits of green tea can help you lose weight to keep the skin to remain youthful.1. Lose WeightAccording Wolipop diet consultant, Dr. Phaidon Toruan, green tea is not a drug but helps thin the fat burning process. "Green tea generally has four functions, fat burner during exercise, fat blocker which means ngeblok fat, and stabilizing blood sugar," said Dr.. Phaidon.2. Maintain Healthy BodyAccording to studies conducted in Japan in 1994, those who consumed five or more cups of green tea every day, have a lower risk of dying at a younger age than did not drink green tea. The survey of more than 40,000 people. This means that green tea can keep your body healthy and strong.3. Improve Your PerformanceGreen tea can improve cognitive function. You get better when memorizing and working. Epigallocatechin gallate bladder (EGCG) in it can protect the brain from damage as well as having the ability to prevent cancer.4. Overcoming Skin InflammationGreen tea can overcome eczema or inflammation of the skin as a small blister or bubble-shaped fluid-filled. To achieve maximum results, you can consume at least three cups of green tea every day.5. YoungerDr. Phaidon mengatakn that green tea can make a woman look younger. The content of antioxidants, vitamins C and E will help you look younger."Green tea has antioxidant benefits that make women do not get old. How cool is that?" said the man who became a health motivator and author of 'Fit For Success' it.

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