Selasa, 03 Juni 2014


Doclang , the unique name of the food , one of the specialties of Bogor . When you visit Bogor try doclang in front of the Light Shop Red Bridge or happened to be visiting when the IPB campus , in front of the door 2 Campus IPB , Bogor along the highway - Leuwiliang , please visit doclang pa Acim pole .
Previously these foods are usually eaten for breakfast in the morning, before the kids leave for school or parents went to work . 1960s in the villages are still many sellers doclang home residents , who only sell from about 5:30 until 7:30 . There are also itinerant traders doclang using pole . I wonder since when doclang in the villages began to disappear , perhaps tersaing instant food as a full breakfast menu .

Doclang the food like? When you do not know exactly , this food can be said to resemble a diamond Kupat know or vegetable tofu and rice cake . Doclang is a meal consisting of a mixture of pesor , sliced ​​fried tofu , fried slices of boiled potatoes , boiled eggs , liquid peanut sauce , soy sauce and crackers or chips Tangkil .
Among the ingredients doclang only pesor that may not have been known to many people . Materials other doclang makers are already familiar fried tofu , fried boiled potatoes , boiled eggs , liquid peanut sauce , soy sauce , crackers and chips Tangkil . Some sellers doclang still use ketchup fanatic Zebra stamp made ​​in Bogor , although of course can use soy sauce or soy sauce other brands .

Cheap and filling
Doclang Pa Acim sold for Rp 5000/piring and I noticed on doclang pa Acim no potatoes and boiled eggs . Unlike the Red Bridge equipped doclang sliced ​​potatoes and hard-boiled eggs , but Harganyapun reached Rp 7500/piring , if you do not use Sundanese speaking with the seller , may be subject to higher rates . Genesis so common in West Java , perhaps as a form of appreciation traders on the language.
Who knew there was time to walk the streets in the town of Bogor or a time ' lost ' to the Campus IPB , try doclang , food is cheap , tasty and filling .

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