Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Benefits of Cassava Leaves Around Us

As well as the benefits of soursop leaves , cassava leaves benefits we can get it easily because there are a lot of cassava leaves around us . Not hard to find cassava leaves , cassava leaves are usually widely planted in the garden or backyard . Especially in rural areas , cassava plants into one plant that promise .
No wonder the cassava plant is very easy to spread in Indonesia because planting is also quite very easily . Stay up the tree cut cassava into some for later planted immediately . So it did not take long cassava plants can grow well . Not only cassava which has benefits for the body , but cassava leaves can also provide benefits that are not less good . Here are some of the properties of cassava leaves.

In the cassava leaves are some content such as vitamin A , vitamin B , vitamin C , calcium , phosphorus , carbohydrate , fat , protein and iron . Some of the content has benefits such as :
Can cope with diarrheaTo cope with diarrhea , you can use cassava leaves by boiling some cassava leaves with 900cc water . Cook until the water remaining half then cool . After a cold , drink twice a day .
To cope with arthritisYou can do the treatment of rheumatism from outside or from inside using cassava leaves by adding ginger and whiting .
To cope with headachesThe trick with a fine grind cassava leaves after the compress on the sore head .
Can educate the brainHow can it be ? It turns out that the cassava leaves are amino acids that make cassava leaves can educate the brain . So you can give regular intake of cassava leaves for more leverage .
In addition to providing many benefits , cassava leaves are also used as vegetables fresh for daily food menu . But for those who have high blood pressure , you should avoid eating cassava leaves . Good luck and hopefully useful !

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