Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

The Benefit of Pomegranate

Pomegranate is synonymous with tradition seven monthly . In fact , the fruit contains small seeds have many health benefits due to its antioxidant content .

1 . Lower CholesterolA recent study says , drinking a quarter cup of pomegranate juice every day will improve cardiovascular health as cholesterol levels down . Antioxidants in pomegranates , two to three times more powerful than the antioxidants in green tea or red wine . Regularly drank pomegranate juice also helps improve blood flow to the heart .
2 . Lowering blood pressureThe study found that the high antioxidant content of pomegranate is also beneficial in lowering blood pressure .
3 . Preventing prostate cancerAccording to a study from the UCLA team , if we pomegranate juice on a regular basis then increasing levels of PSA ( prostate cancer indicator ) can be inhibited .
4 . Overcoming erectile dysfunctionPure pomegranate juice every day can also improve erection problems or impotence .
5 . Against InflammatoryThere are many diseases caused by inflammation , such as cancer , heart disease , and diabetes . This condition can be prevented , among others, with regular drinking pomegranate juice . One pomegranate provides about 40 percent of the daily vitamin C we need .

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